Please Help Us Preserve This Place and Tell This Story
Dr. Eells built this house in 1835. He lost the house because of his actions in helping Charles try to reach freedom. Eells was convicted under Illinois law for aiding a runaway slave. Charles disappeared back into the record-less, night-and-fog of American slavery. No doubt he was whipped. We don’t know what other punishment might have been inflicted upon him. He was never heard from again.
The failed attempt at freedom for Charles was a collaborative effort. When Charles swam the Mississippi and stumbled into Quincy in his wet clothes, he sought the help of a free black man named Berryman Barnett. Barnett in turn took him to Dr. Eells. When they were spotted and ultimately caught they were trying to get to other friendly community members who would help Charles further.
It takes that same type of collaborative effort to keep the Dr. Eells House and the museum going. An 1835 structure needs constant repair and upkeep. It costs money for utilities and to even minimally staff the house. Your donation today can help us make the house and museum open to school groups and visitors. You can help keep the mission going.

Make a Donation
Become a member of The Friends of the Dr. Richard Eells House today. Whether you can send us $25 or $500, every bit helps. Thank you for considering us in your charitable contributions.